Dear Colleagues,
Well, we can put another year in the books. And what a year it was! According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics: 52% of businesses told employees not to work (with or without pay) for at least some portion of the year. This type of activity required leaders to enact multiple mandates to better manage their workforce and run their businesses. They needed to set & enforce work boundaries. Businesses, including ours, spent millions of dollars ensuring workplaces were safe. Buildings needed to be cleaned, employees needed to be tested and strict workforce rules needed to be followed. In short, these were challenging times. I’m happy to report that both JEM and our customers answered the bell.
In the midst of all these dark days, there were some bright points. One of our clients is a front-line manufacturer of life saving devices. We worked closely with them in the Spring to ensure that the tremendous ratcheting up of production was in synch with our ability to deliver critical components for their devices. And we both succeeded. We were able to do this despite supplier challenges. In a recent report, 44.9% of respondents said that there was disruption in their supply chain.
JEM worked closely with our long-term clients and suppliers, in addition to new ones. While many business and industries suffered, JEM had a very successful year. In fact, this was the best year in our 40-year history. Yes, we will celebrate our 40th anniversary in business in 2021. Keep an eye out for future updates regarding this achievement.
Lastly, like all of you, we are happy to put 2020 in the rearview mirror. Vast numbers of Americans contracted Covid-19 and more than 356,000 Americans died. There will be empty chairs in many homes this year. While it has been a difficult year, we garnered terrific cooperation from our partners and leveraging solid business practice, not only survived but flourished. We want to thank our customers for their continued belief in JEM and want to ensure you that we will remain committed to an even better year in 2021. We could not have done it without you.
All of us at JEM want to wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and look forward to continuing to serve you.
Best Regards,
Andrew F. Dengos
Vice President, Sales, Marketing & Account Management
JEM Electronics, Inc.